Home Forums Parametric Urban Design & Analysis Task Street Type & Street Profile – Hato Rey, San Juan, PR

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    • #12971

      Puerto Rico has a not so practical transportation bus system that is not accurate in schedules and service. In the sector area of Hato Rey, where a lot of business buildings and companies are situated, the bus is quite used. Being one of the most crowded areas, the street life activity sometimes goes crazy. There is no such  safe limit or zone for pedestrians to cross, or sometimes the pedestrian take over the transit since they have to cross 4 car lanes. The bus has a special lane bus sometimes it takes over the car traffic and this when sometimes it gets messy and dangerous for commuters of the area. I would say, that there’s not much attention and care for the people that frequent this area daily, and that sadly they have to confront this issue day by day. Meaning, there should be more safety measurements applied in this area. Not only, pedestrians but for students and bike users that cross this area to go to university, work and even, home.

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    • #12977

      Heyyyy Marieliz,

      It seems that we should upload the assignments on the pages of PUDA course, rather than this forum 😉

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