I tried to integrate part of the urban area of ​​the city with the chaotic part of the urban expansion in the southeast of my town, creating green areas that contain rainwater runoff and serve as a green cushion and rain filter. I also made a set of areas by urban block by prioritizing high volumes on the edges and main roads, releasing excess mass, considering that there are buildings already built, and making it more accessible, less disorienting. All in order to integrate the new hospital on the lower left into the irregular plot of the expansión ...
Parametric Cocktail! For my final project, I am planning to develop a road network for a specific region using a set of attractors and connecting them via the Wet Wool method to achieve an optimal network configuration. After generating this network, I will simplify it to establish street blocks, which will then be subdivided into parcels. These parcels will be defined by various parameters that not only adhere to internal criteria but also interact with the changing dynamics of the road network and the geometrical characteristics of the street blocks. Subsequently, by employing Decoding Spaces components, I aim to generate synthetic buildings. These buildings will be designed to meet local criteria and will be adaptable based on the attractors, road network, blocks, and parcels. The goal is to create a workflow that allows for the parametrization of the overall environment as well as the ability to modify each layer of detail locally without compromising the coherence of the global design. This approach seeks to enable a flexible yet structured design process that can respond dynamically to both global parameters and local conditions ...
The concept is to design a city with respect to a historical site/ historic building and the presence of a city center. The historic building should have a recreational space around it. The street network design will include a main street connecting the city center and the historical site. Also, each parcel will be divided into spaces for buildings and green spaces. The heights will be varied according to the distance from the historical site and the city center, where buildings close to the historic buildings will have the same average height and increase as it comes closer to the city center. The building shapes will be analyzed to create shapes similar to the existing site and will be different at the city center. The buildings form and orientation will be depending on sun orientation ...
Since I did not have access to much of the content, I will try to focus on a very small-scale site development plan utilizing the street, parcel, and building generating methods that we have learned. Perhaps wet wool streets will make sense, but likely defining them based on topography will be better. The area selected is wetlands and a canal very prone to flooding, so referencing flooding maps somehow or simulating flooding based on elevation will be important. As the land area is owned by the secretary of transportation and contains power lines, development would likely be limited to extremely minimalistic warehouses or parking canopies for a fleet of snowplows, utility trucks, etc. I want these structures to be defined with parametric generation and visibly different from each other, ideally with realistic textures imported onto their preview geometry. Lastly, I want a surface with flat satellite imagery to replace the generic background of the Rhino environment, giving the plan map a more real sense of place. As a stretch goal for the project, maybe I could import surrounding street data to determine the maximum distance from the depot site to the edge of the city boundary and color-code the accessibility of roads ...
For generative design I want to consider the distribution of social infrastructure, for example a kindergarten that should be in a radius every 300m. The system of green spaces should be connected by streets. The morphology of the development depending on the given percentage changes and is categorized into 4 morphotypes ...
i want to continue what i started on my last assignment with creating a small city with a radial grid pattern and placing the attractor in the center to see what will happen and what kind of varity of designs i can create with this while doing that my vision is to create a city with a vibrant city center that is literally in the center. sleek radial grid, spiraling from a vibrant center designed for all ages and backgrounds. Picture buildings on interactive plots, creating a dynamic, inclusive hub. Parks, theaters, and communal spaces invite exploration, making the city a blend of precision and creativity ...
For my final project, I am developing a concept called “Mosaic Cities”. It envisions urban spaces as dynamic mosaics, reflecting the rich cultural diversity of their inhabitants. This concept perceives cities as living organisms that continually adapt to the evolving pulse of human culture. The process commences with the identification of primary public spaces, which act as nodes or cultural magnets. These nodes influence the organic formation and connection of streets, employing techniques such as the Wet Wool method or branching. These streets, in turn, define parcels, carving out spaces for cultural expression. Buildings, the final elements in this urban tapestry, emerge with unique characteristics. Their height, function, and form vary depending on their proximity to public spaces ...
The idea is to take a portion of a pre-existing city and study if it works in the most optimal way, by comparing with a generated version with the concepts of mobility, density and green spaces in mind. The plan is to redraw the streets using the neighborhood’s accesses as references for the new ones, creating an algorithm that generates them in the most efficient way. After the main streets, create auxiliary ones that facilitate pedestrian use, making it possible to go across the area in a “X” amount of time. From this base, generate parcels following the rule of keeping the ones closest to the body of water and parks with the lowest density, when compared to other parts, to help with the cooling of the city. It would also be interesting to experiment with the placement of certain necessities and services on parcels. For example, making sure within a certain area there’s at least one green space and one public ...
The area I chose to carry out the project was the centre of my city, Rio de Janeiro. As it is a very dense area with a large avenue that in a way divides it into two areas, I thought that on each side of the avenue I would create an area with a new configuration, placing green areas and new volumes of buildings like this example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3fszz1ob5A or this one here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJCshepYM4c , and base my green area on these curved shapes with some circular paths. I also thought about directing the road to these areas by creating other roads In addition, I also thought of altering the roads a little by putting in some central medians with vegetation. I thought about placing attractors that could increase and decrease the area of the new buildings and thus also increase and decrease the amount of vegetation around them ...
Vila AutĂłdromo, located in the West Zone of Rio de Janeiro, has become notorious due to the 2016 Olympic Games. Originally a fishing community, today Vila AutĂłdromo has around 50 houses, for a community that once had more than 500 houses, which were removed under the justification of the construction of the Olympic Park and the infrastructure associated. A large part of the removed residential area has been given a new use: a large parking lot. This project addresses the new urbanization (area demarcated in red) for social housing through different parcels, types of buildings, green areas and street hierarchies. In order to create different types of ideas for re-urbanizing this area, the use of attractors will be necessary ...
This new city center of Strasbourg is organized around one bridge that connects both riversides. The urban layout is clearly organized in 2 urban rings separated by a green belt: with services in the center and a residential zone on the outskirts (Ebenezer Howard inspiration for the radial system and the separation of functions). The first urban ring is generated with radial parcellation starting from the bridge. The more you approach the center, the more closed the blocks are. The second ring is a green belt with trees. The third urban ring is designed with efficiently generated roads which connect the existing streets to the radial roads of the services zone. The parcellation is generated using Vorinoï’s system. In this new city center, building heights vary depending on 2 attractors positioned on opposite sides of the city ...
In generative design, I would like to include constraints like topography, land use, and green areas. Topography needs to be included since it is one of the most important aspects to consider when developing streets, especially in places with slopes. I would also like to develop a component that considers the existence of a specific amount of square meters dedicated only to green space and maybe bodies of water. Finally, in terms of connectivity, there should be a major specification for the right of use in terms of street length and dedicated spaces for sustainable mobility like bicycles and pedestrian areas. Finally, specifying the specific land use that blocks can have would be great to generate more of the concept of the 15-minute cities. Establishing a script that indicates that every block should have a specific set of land uses like housing, commercial, leisure and others ...
The goal is to create an urban neighbourhood on the area of the Gauforum in Weimar which perfectly fits into the space to make it as cohesive and seamless to the surrounding quarters as possible. At the same time the design should have the most efficient street network. Furthermore the buildings should vary in shape and size but stay within a range that is comparable to the surrounding buildings. To achieve this, the wet wool method should be used between attractor points that are located on the streets surrounding the area. Afterwards the spaces between the streets will become parcels on which different kinds of buildings (and green spaces) will be placed. The buildings should vary in height, the highest buildings should be places on the main street intersections to create urban hubs and point out the centrality of these spaces. This could be achieved through more attractor points. The surrounding buildings are mostly between three and five stories high which could be translated to 10 to 17 meters in height. The new neighbourhood should not get much higher or lower. This could be achieved through lowering the power of the attractors to create smooth transitions in height as opposed to stark contrasts ...
For my final project, I plan to expand Grasshopper plugins to generate street layouts. The Field Lines Generator will be instrumental in creating a fluid network of streets around geometric shapes, serving as the primary reference for the urban plot. I'll then use the LunchBox plugin to delineate built and unbuilt (Green) spaces, employing various grid shapes to construct building blocks (something similar to my previous submission). These blocks will form the basis for secondary and tertiary streets. Green spaces will categorize functional zones, with small parks catering to residential areas and larger parks situated close to commercial or hospitality blocks. The height of these blocks will vary based on function and location, with residential zones featuring low-rise structures and peripheral areas hosting high-rise buildings. This approach ensures a diverse and visually cohesive urban environment, harmonizing function and aesthetics ...
For my final project, I have selected the "Ghala Industrial Area" which is part of the capital city of Oman. Since the industrial estate will be moved out of the capital, I want to redevelop this zone from scratch and create a 'European' radial city design with the center being the plaza. There will be three forms of street networks within the neighborhood along with the existing highways around the periphery of the area, which are ring roads, secondary connecting roads, and tertiary inner lanes. I also want to zone the area going from the plaza being the commercial area, then mixed-use spaces, residential buildings, offices/ institutions, and then some spaces for industrial use ...
The Data City: This urban development is though as a future/present idea to gather data from cities for a better efficiency in energy consumption. The idea is to create Data Centres in dense areas of a city. The Location of this DC would be defined by a Wet Wool generator. On this locations are ging to be placed 3 (if possible) different buildings created with parametric design. Then this 3DC would be connected to another Wet Wool generator to define a Main Data Centre that gather all information from city. This Main DC would be a urban development with different buildings blocks and public space. This DC would gather information from energy consumption, gas, water, among other public services, in order to take actions for better consumption and efficiency of the city. (could be Weimar, Berlin, or Bogotá. Still to be defined. Maybe Weimar because is smaller.) ...
CONNECTED CITY ISLANDS In my final assignment I want to try to generate a connecting street network between some islands. Either I will select an existing group of islands or model them with rhino. The islands must vary in size, shape and distance to each other. The primary street network should connect all islands in a reasonable way and can use intersections. Therefore I will try to use one or to center points of each islands and search for a generating script like the “wet wool algorithm” or something similar. The secondary street network is limited to the surface of each island. It aligns around the main streets connecting the islands. I don’t know yet how to deal with the streets ending up on the shore. Based on the size and location of each island the density of the building blocks and the height of the buildings is changing. I will use attractors for the height and density separately. There will be around three centers in the island group. When there is no attractor on one island it just develops along the main road. The vision for the buildings on this little collection of islands is, that they predominantly have organic structures that match with the shape of the islands ...
*The Urban Design inspired from" Mondrian Design" *Street and parcels Generation : Managed by an attractor (Small Parcels ,near to the point attractor(s) ,or the opposite) Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APY3mLt767o&list=WL&index=70&ab_channel=DanielDolatabadi ...
Through parametric rules, I'm aiming to make the best use of the given floor areas and numbers of floors. At the same time, I'm tossing in green spaces to liven things up and make a cooling and sustainable area. Thinking about the old trees, green spots, tallest points, and roof shapes as attractors helps mix the old and new smoothly. Also, when figuring things out and placing them smartly, I want to keep an eye on how busy the streets are. In a nutshell, my script is all about giving control and flexibility to make a city that's modern, green, and admirable to live in ...
The stacked city The idea is to create different main axes starting points. These are used to create different types of neighborhoods that can be defined by the user itself which will then again create smaller sub-neighborhoods. The goal is that the streets meet each other at an orthogonal angle as possible. The main concept of this generator is the stacked city. Different forms stacked on each other create an urban patchwork. The closer they are to plots that contain special functions such as schools or supermarkets, the denser they get within the limits of their neighborhood type. All buildings face the streets, while some are free-standing others are supposed to be connected to neighboring buildings – either by sharing a wall or by being connected to sky bridges. Different neighborhoods are the Vertical Downtown, Cubic Traditional, Post-Post-Modernist Family Zone, New Work, and Park-In-Space ...
The City I want to create my own city borders on an existing 3D created city and delete the existing buildings and roads within it. I want to create 1 main and 3 side streets in the area I created. These streets will divide the area into 8 areas in total. I want these divided areas to form islands according to a certain meter, with the longest side being perpendicular. Also, I do not want buildings to be built on these islands below a certain square meter. I want the buildings facing the main street in my area to be high-rise and skyscrapers of different typologies. At the same time, I want to adjust the density of 2 attractor buildings within the block. I want the inside of the block courtyards to be green areas, and I want the areas under a certain square meter that are not enough to be blocks to be public spaces. I want each floor of the blocks to be in different tones and I want the ground floor to be 4 meters and the remaining floors to be 3 meters. I want these heights to increase as they approach the main street and decrease as they move away ...
The user can define points for central locations. These morph together from a certain distance and form larger open spaces. Orthogonal streets will branch off from these, splitting off in further steps until they reach the property boundary or a street from an earlier phase. Random points will be used to distribute green spaces evenly throughout the plan area. The number is parameterized. The blocks are split at random angles and the courtyards are made accessible. The edges of the blocks should have small-scale development. The density is determined by the proximity to the squares and parks, with the parks having a negative influence on density and the squares having a positive influence on density ...
For my final assignment I want to try to generate streets with an algorithm like this: For the starting points I will choose some of the ends of existing streets outside the boundary, so they can be connected over my plot. On the crossings of some streets, I want to generate squares based on attractors. Maybe it will work with this technique: dex=6 I also plan to arrange greenery on the squares. This is also the way I hope my parcels can be generated. I would sort out the ones around the squares, that are too small. The building blocks will be generated as we learned and did in class and I will try to control their density and their height with the same attractors, that control the squares. That way, both, density and height, will be smaller, the nearer they are to the squares. Moreover, the plot boundary should be an attractor for the building heights. That way, the buildings near the boundary will better fit in to the existing buildings around the plot ...
First description of Final Assignment The area of my final assignment is located in Magdeburg. The river Elbe which flows through Magdeburg forks in the middle of the city. This fork creates kind of an island. In reality this island is used as a city park. In my design this island will get a completely new usage. The island will receive several connections to the rest of the city. For that I will create bridges. The island will receive a street pattern which will be created by wet wool threads. The resulting parcels will be from different sizes, with different kind of designs and forms of use. Design methods that will be used are attractors which will define the height, density, or color of the buildings. In the end there will be a collection of several parcels with abstract buildings. To stick a bit to reality a bit of nature will also find its way into the new design. For example the lake which is in the center of the island will get a place, as well as some trees. The first step of the design is to extract the streets, buildings, and the waterways from openstreetmap.org. The next steps will be to “clean” the extract by removing to small houses and weird looking shapes. After the creation of parcels will be done by creating streets which will cut a pre-defined area into pieces. To give every parcel a different design the list-component will get used. The goal is it to create a new design for the island which has nothing to do with reality ...