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Wet Wool Threads Experiments

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Enrique Eduardo Ayala Gonzaga Rodriguez

From Attractors I create a Wet Wool Network. Then, I cleaned and simplify the network in order to create blocks, parcels, and buildings from it. The idea behind the experiment was creating an efficient building distribution based on the Network ...
Whet Whool Task Alejandro Diaz

Alejandro Diaz Rivera

Whet Whool Applied to my previous Task. I tried applying the script to my previous task and getting the buildings to be close to the streets to be more dense as well as using the points. However there appears to be a problem with the offset and the dash pattern when it comes to generating the buildings ...
231213 Javier Galindo

Javier Galindo

I decided to create three different areas of urban development, which each one has its own independent Wet Wool design. Then I created another wet wool system, trying to connect the center and more dense areas of the urban sectors, to create another wet wool that connect all of the developments ...

Mariia Pogodaeva

I placed a park in the center of the design plot and streets were generated based on its location. When trying to place multiple parks I ran into the problem that not all streets and houses are cropped to fit their area, but this will need to be addressed as it is part of my final assignment ...
rendu parametric

Nina Deslee

In this experiment I tried to understand the working of the Wet Wool Generation. I didn't succeed in making an inner circle where I wanted the middle to be empty and to have attractors on its outskirts to connect to the boundary attractors, so I generated streets between the boundary attractors and merged these streets with a circular block generator ...
231213_Scheler Leonie_Wet Wool Assignment_Versuch 2

Leonie Scheler

I tried to use the Wet Wool Script to find the shortest connection between some Weimar sights. (air route) ...
Circle city, wet wool

Lisa Lindemann

I tried to manipulate the street network using the wet wool technique to create a symmetrical street layout, however this never occured. even though the points each symbolise the end of an axis or the mid-point of all axis the street network would stay asymmetrical, showing that a strictly symmetrical layout of streets might not be the most efficient layout ...
assignment 4 Marina Allevato Melo

Marina Allevato Melo

Test done using the wet wool tool on the city center of Leipzig, positioning the attractor points on key points of the edge of the delimitated area, focusing especially on the main streets that connect the center with the neighbour areas ...
PUDA assignment 3

Margaux Flick

I used the wet wool script for my idea for the final presentation and experimented with different island and the main connection between them to compare how different the generated street system is regarding the placement of the islands ...

Haidy Mousa

I tried to develop an area around an existing area using Wet Wool Threads. I put attractors around the existing area and the streeets outside to design a street network coherent with the existing. Then I excluded the existing area from parcel generations ...

Thomas Graf

I wanted to see how the tool reacts if it runs two times with different points. I could see the potential of it if one wants to guarantee the quickest connection between different types of attractors -> For example if in one setting all schools and kindergartens should be connected and in the other setting all retirement homes and doctors' offices ...
Schaffner; Janni_Subm3

Janni Schaffner

I changed the centralized form of the last submission to a simpler form with two circles. After dividing them into equal parts, I used the generated points as attractors for the wet wool thread generator. The same points were used as attractors for the building heights as well, showcasing the density in the middle by height and streets ...
wet wool experiment

Nithya Veeramuthaiah

Creating different boundaries using hexagonal shape and experimenting with attractor points to come up with street movement using wet wool tool. Additionally trying to work out green spaces in the area to see the better interaction between the city blocks and open spaces ...

Camila Alves da Silva

I rearranged the border and the points outside. My intention was to analyze the different types of block configurations fitted inside a hexagon ...
wet wool experiment

Asma Halfaoui

It is a sort of research attempt for final submission. Ps:For the previous submission , I sent it via email . Thank zou so much ...
Test Wet Wool Generator

Jasper Ellis Krüger

Just a small test to see whether the generator can be combined with the previous project idea. It seems to work quite well at finding a new connection for dead ends. But the question is whether it's worth it. -- It's all still built by hand, so no file upload ...

Heran Mebratu Gebremariam

I used my last assignment work as my base to create the wetwool street and building placement design ...

Paloma Porrozi Lisboa

I tried to reproduce the wet wool in the file I was working on during the other lesson. In this way, I used the curves formed to define my streets and from there I separated the blocks with the buildings and the lake ...

Paloma Porrozi Lisboa

I tried to reproduce the wet wool in the file I was working on during the other lesson. In this way, I used the curves formed to define my streets and from there I separated the blocks with the buildings and the lake ...
Bildschirmfoto 2023-12-06 um 20.25.51

Sophie Tempelhoff

I created a new outline and put circles into it. I set the attractors on the outline and the circles and used the wet wool for creating the streets ...

Yusuf Berrak

I arranged the wet wool paths with the points (out of the border) and a circle (in the middle). I reduced the crowded paths to a direct line as street and divide them for building blocks areas. The rest is same with the previous submisson(creating the blocks in different density) ...