Introductory Lectures

06.11.24  🔬
Your very first own generator

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Savva Pettengill

voronoi parcels with randomly generated building height, modified by another factor of distance to an arbitrary reference point shown by cylinder. It is simple but I am completely new to this and enrolled over a month late, i do not know how this course is even open to me but i am thankful 🙂 ...
Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 11.58.00 p.m.

Enrique Eduardo Ayala

Experiment with Voronoi cluster ...

Javier Galindo

The idea was to create different kind of streets using a variety of curves. The Building would follow the irregular shape of the streets, which I used the first parcels generator. I wanted to extrude the volumes of the buildings based on its area, or based a tractor point. However I couldn't solve it as I wanted to. Then I started to play on creating points on surfaces and creating new extrusion based on those points ...

Haidy Mousa

A modern city at the centre of the city. The new city blocks are designed using organic division with random heights ...
Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-07 um 22.59.12

Sophie Tempelhoff

Prefabricated housing style neighborhood with single-houses, and one bigger building with big inner yard. also this neighborhood provides a park with trees ...

Liliana Halwani

Generated buildings that have setbacks and heights based on their distance from a reference point ...

Mariia Pogodaeva

Creating radii near roads, pedestrian parts. Simplification of the forms of houses in the plan. The hight of houses is created by extruding them by a grid and a random height in the range ...
puda ass. 1

Margaux Flick

My idea was to develop each city block individually. So for each parcel I generated different buildings and two new building types. The first is a less dense and more scattered way of designing block buildings. The other one is parcellated small cubic buildings inspired by a japanese design style ...
Task 1 Alejandro Diaz

Alejandro Diaz Rivera

I applied some pre-made generators, like the Voronoi cluster in another script part. I then rounded the building geometries to create a more varied and organic structure within the blocks, that could still have the street network applied and modifiable ...

Janni Schaffner

Centralized urban design ...
Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-07 um 18.46.46

Lisa Lindemann

I modified the existing buildings to more row-house-like structures around the perimeters of the parcels. 3dm file is not needed although uploaded ...

Yusuf Berrak

Short D.: "Dense city blocks with different heights" Long D.: Existing: -create building blocks in a height except from the small ones -create roads of existing and designed Design: -deviding zone with the main street and boundry -creating bounding box with referencing the longest side of divided zone -creating small areas perpendicular to reference side -eliminating the small areas(because it is not possible to create courtyard blocks) -create courtyard blocks with double offsetting -extrude at different heights in two different size ranges ...

Thomas Graf

Randomly generated Voronoi buildings combined subdivision and transformation to non-inner-courtyard buildings ...
Jasper Krüger_Subm1_PrevImage

Jasper Ellis Krüger

---- No special 3dm file is required for execution. ---- Using adjustable parameters, entry points are defined at the boundary line via which an arc to the center of the property is generated.//Anhand von einstellbaren Parametern werden an der Grenzlinie Eingangspunkte festgelegt, über die ein Bogen zur Grundstücksmitte erzeugt wird ...
Untitled (3)

Egor Gavrilov

Just a test upload ...