Gero, J.S. (1990) Design Prototypes: A Knowledge Representation Schema for Design. AI Magazine 11(4), 26 – 36.
(great article on a formal conceptualization of the design process and the location of creative design in this formal model)
Lawson, B. (2005) How Designers Think – The Design Process Demystified. 4th Edition, Oxford: Architectural Press.
(classic book on the design process)
Mitchell, W.J. (1990) The logic of architecture – Design, Computation and Cognition. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
(classic book on rule-based architectural design)
Rittel, H.W.J. & Webber, M.M. (1973). Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning. Policy Sciences, 4(2), 155-169.
(famous article on categorizing design problems as “wicked problems”)
Simon, H.A. (1981) The Sciences of the Artificial. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
(classic artificial intelligence book dealing with designing and the human mind)