Uni Weimar

Courses only for students from the Bauhaus-University Weimar


User-Centered Architectural Design :: UCAD 20.1

Abstract The creation of spaces is at the heart of architectural and urban design. However, statements of designers about spatial qualities often remain vague and ambiguous. This is reflected by built examples whose problems emerge from a missing understanding of the relations between the built environment and human behaviour. In this seminar we will examine […]

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Circular Urbanism :: CU 20.1

Abstract With the Millenium Development Goals the United Nations are setting a framework to foster a more sustainable development world-wide. The goals are ambitious and their realistation challenging, especially when it comes about responding to changes in developing countries. In this study project, we are adressing these challenges by creating models for the development of

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Urban Modeling and Simulation :: UMS 23.2

Abstract In this course, we introduce you to urban simulation methods. We deal with the modeling of complex spatial systems on the regional and urban level. In this context, computational analysis methods for urban fabric (e.g. for pedestrian movement or economic potentials) and models for computing interactions between land uses are introduced. By means of

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Evolutionary Design Methods :: EDM 22.1

Abstract In this course, you are introduced to Evolutionary Algorithms and their application for your design or planning project. We use various components in Grasshopper (Galapagos, Octopus, Opossum, Wallacei) that provide algorithms for single and multi-criteria optimization. This course is for students of the Bauhaus-University Weimar. For external students, we provide the course Evolutionary Design

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