How to

How to :: Import students and add them to groups and courses

How to :: Import students and add them to groups and courses

Import a list of students You can download the participants from BISON. The students' data need to be rearranged in ...
How to :: Work with mineR (DeCodingSpaces Data Analysis)

How to :: Work with mineR (DeCodingSpaces Data Analysis)

In the following, you find instructions for how to work with mineR library in Grasshopper. Installation First, download the latest ...
How to :: Install Grasshopper Libraries and Userobjects

How to :: Install Grasshopper Libraries and Userobjects

In the following, you find instructions for how to install Libraries and Useropbjects in Grasshopper. Install instructions: Unblocking the files ...
How to :: Submit your assignment or task as a student

How to :: Submit your assignment or task as a student

In the following, you find instructions for how to submit your assignment or tasks via a web form on the ...
How To :: Create User Submitted Posts

How To :: Create User Submitted Posts

For assignments or other student tasks, there is the option to use User Submitted Posts. In the following, you find ...
How to :: Create, uploade and annotate videos // Youtube and VideoAnt

How to :: Create, uploade and annotate videos // Youtube and VideoAnt

In the following we show you how to prepare your video and upload it to YouTube in order to use ...