OTP | Online Training Platform
Computational Methods in Architecture, Urban Design and PlanningThe OTP is maintained by the Bauhaus-University Weimar. It contains video-based courses and modules provided by the Bauhaus-University Weimar, the Future Cities Lab / FCL, and the Austrian Institute of Technology / AIT
Students of the Bauhaus-University Weimar who are inscribed in courses via BISON, please use the category “Uni Weimar”.
External guests can only access open courses, therefore please use the category “Open Courses”. All courses are free of charge, but you need to register.

Urban Analysis and Simulation :: UAS 24.2
Additional resources for the seminar Urban Analysis and Simulation in the winter semester 2024/25

Parametric Urban Design :: PUD 24.2 (WiSe24/25)
In this course, you will first learn to create parametric models that allow you to generate a large number of design variants quickly. Secondly, you will be introduced to spatial analysis methods to identify different qualities of the generated urban forms.

Parametric Architecture : PA 24.1 [Introduction + Advanced]
In this course, we introduce you to the Parametric Design using Grasshopper and Rhino3D software. You learn how to establish your algorithmic design and thinking method by developing an own housing typology.

Parametric Urban Design
In this workshop for the EiABC Students, we introduce you to the Parametric Urban Design using Grasshopper and Rhino3D software. You learn how to establish your algorithmic design and thinking method by developing an own housing typologies.

Virtual Reality Evaluation :: VREVAL Open
The course introduces you to the concept of user-centered design. The workflow for a 3D architectural model usability study is shown with the Virtual Reality Evaluation :: VREVAL tool.

Land Use and Traffic Simulation :: LUTS Open
We introduce you to public spaces, street networks and their analysis for urban design, as well as to models for simulating the process of land use distributions and the corresponding traffic flows.

Spatial Analysis with BIM :: SAB Open
This course introduces spatial analysis methods (daylight, visibility, and accessibility) in order to identify different (human-centered) qualities of architectural spaces and urban form.

Introduction to Building Information Modeling :: BIM Open
The course introduces you to the possibilities of parameterization of building information models. We use the software Revit with the PlugIn Dynamo.

Web Maps & Augmented Reality :: WAR Open
The course introduces creating an augmented reality model and a web map from a Rhino3D/Grasshopper model.

Environmental Analysis with Grasshopper :: EAG Open
The course introduces environmental analysis methods using the software Grasshopper for Rhino 3D. It covers the analysis of solar radiation, sunlight hours, outdoor thermal comfort, and wind.

Urban Flooding Analysis :: UFA Open
This course is dedicated to flooding resilience. It introduces you to rain-runoff simulation and evaluation by using Rhino3D/Grasshopper. The goal of the course is to use GIS data to develop urban designs that are resilient against heavy rainfall and pluvial flooding.

Parametric Urban Design & Analysis :: PUDA Open
In this course, you will first learn to create parametric models, that allow to quickly generate a large number of design variants. Secondly, you will get introduced to spatial analysis methods in order to identify different qualities of the generated urban forms.

Evolutionary Design Methods :: EDM Open
In this course, you are introduced to Evolutionary Algorithms and their application for your design or planning project. We use various components in Grasshopper (Galapagos, Octopus, Opossum, Wallacei) that provide algorithms for single and multi-criteria optimization.

Introduction to Parametric Design :: IPD Open
In this course, we introduce you to the Parametric Design using Grasshopper and Rhino3D software. You learn how to establish your algorithmic design and thinking method. This knowledge is required as a basis for other courses on the OTP in order to implement or customize urban design models or to generate complex geometries.

Urban Modeling and Simulation :: UMS Basic Open
In this course, we introduce you to the basic theories of models and systems, as well as to urban simulation methods with Grasshopper for Rhino 3D. We model spatial systems on different abstraction levels and integrate computational analysis methods for urban fabric and models for interactions between land uses.

Introduction to Scripting with C# for Grasshopper in Rhino3D :: ISC Open
In this course, we introduce you to the programming language C#, which we use as a scripting language in Grasshopper for Rhino3D. This scripting knowledge is necessary to have more control of your Grasshopper definition.

Urban Modeling and Simulation :: UMS Advanced Open
In this course, you learn to work with advanced urban modeling and simulation techniques based and system dynamics methods. We deal with the modeling of complex spatial systems on the regional and urban level. In this context, computational analysis methods for urban fabric and models for computing interactions between land uses are introduced.