Parametric Urban Design & Analysis :: PUDA 18.2

Cities are complex human-made objects. They consist of thousands of elements and need to satisfy numerous human needs. The definition of urban form (street network, plots, buildings) is a crucial step in the planning of cities because it has the longest lasting effect on their social, economic and ecological performance. Thus, this step needs to be undertaken with the greatest care. In this course, we will deal with computational methods to support this process. Firstly, you will learn to create parametric models, that allow to quickly generate a large number of design variants. Secondly, you will get introduced to spatial analysis methods (density, visibility, and accessibility) in order to identify different (human-centered) qualities of the generated urban forms.
Learning objectives
The theories and methods you learn in this class provide the basic theoretical and technological framework for integrated urban development and design, which we will further deepen in the study project in the next semester.
The knowledge provided through online seminars will be deepened in consultations and documented in several exercises.
No prior technical knowledge is required.

Sven Schneider
Sven is a lecturer and researcher in the field of architectural planning support systems. He is interim professor for the chair of computer science in architecture at the Bauhaus-University Weimar and founding partner of DecodingSpaces GbR. He studied applied computer science at TU-Chemnitz and graduated in architecture at the TU-Dresden and BU-Weimar. He completed his PhD in 2016 on the topic of automated spatial layout design from a user-perspective. His main research interests lie in the development of measures for evaluating the built environment and generative methods for supporting the design process. He was and is engaged and coordinating several state-funded research projects and has published a number of articles on generative methods for spatial layout design and spatial analysis.

Abdulmalik Abdulmawla
Abdulmalik is a lecturer and research assistant at the Chair of Computer Science in Architecture at the Bauhaus-University Weimar in Germany. He graduated in architecture and urban planning in 2013 at Dessau International Architecture Graduate School (DIA), Germany. Since 2016, he works at the Bauhaus University Weimar. His main research interest is computational analysis and simulation of urban systems with a focus on the patterns of microeconomic aspects of the local urban settings of the city. He was also the Project Coordinator of Discovering Cities project in Amman Jordan in 2018.