Home Forums Parametric Urban Design & Analysis answer lecture design & computation 1 – what is design?

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      personal background: civil engineering management (B.Eng) with working experience in mobility consulting. no experience in architectural design.

      Reflecting a development project I have worked on, the designing guideline was initially founded on classic frame parameters (e.g. size of the site, land tenure, clients philosophy) and later reshaped from a consultancy strategy setting. The idea is to use state-of-the-art-technology in different sectors (e.g. local energy production, waste management, micromobility) and then proof their joined potential (sector coupling) of being both profitable (functional business model considering invest, operation, earnings) as well as max. sustainable (socially = good rent prices, ecologically = green energy/mobility). Those technologies will then be considered spatially in the masterplan. To sum up the assumption:
      A joined, well-working business model on how to operate the infrastructure of a new city district, guarantees a socially and ecologically fair city district.


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