Home Forums Parametric Urban Design & Analysis Answer – URBAN DENSITY – 01 – CONCEPT & EXAMPLES


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    • #15674

      Today, high density is regarded as a precondition for Sustainable urbanization and economic growth.

      1. What do you think, why?

      High-density cities are the trend of global urban development. In East Asia and China, they are the only choice under the prominent contradiction between humans and land. The experience of urban construction in the developed areas of East Asia shows that high-density cities do not mean a decline in the livability level. It is entirely possible to improve the livability of the city through the improvement of the level of planning concepts and strategies and planning management and systems. The agglomeration advantages of dense cities realize the comprehensive improvement of economic, social and environmental benefits.

      2. What are the challenges of high density?

      High-density cities have advantages such as compactness, convenience, and vitality, but they also face challenges from population expansion, traffic congestion, resource shortages, and environmental degradation.

    • #15675

      — Loss of open/recreational space
      — May cause congestion & pollution
      — May cause cognitive overload (e.g. by overcrowding)
      — Reduces personal/private space
      — May lead to competition between groups ——> social conflicts
      — Increase in anonymity
      — Increase in building costs (in case of high-rises)

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