Home Forums Urban Modeling and Simulation Problem about the course NETWORK CITY III // WEIMAR EXAMPLE

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    • #35524
      xin huang

      Hi Prof. Reinhard,

      The Human plugin lack two objects (Bake geomoetry and create attributes). Could you offer these two documents to me so that I can study the “04_NetCityModel_Weimar_DS2020_02” example.

      Best regards

    • #35525
      Reinhard Koenig

      Hi Xin,
      concerning the human plugin I cannot offer more than they provide on the food4rhino website: https://www.food4rhino.com/en/app/human
      I tested it last time for Rhino 6, maybe there is a difference when using Rhino 7 – which version do you use?
      Best regards

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