Home Forums Parametric Urban Design & Analysis Task 01 & Task 02_Pingyi Hung

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    • #12176
      Ping-Yi Hung

      Task 1

      I would like to share a case related to urban planning that I did in the private company a few years ago.

      It is a case about designing the land use plan, a plan that we need to design the width of the road and the shape of the block. Our team modularize the road into 3 types (15m,30m, 40m) and sets the building blocks as the relative rectangular shape.

      The reasons for setting such modularization are a budget limitation, designing time and the possibility of construction.


      Task 2

      This is the Taipei Reforming Art Centre. It is designed by OMA partners. The original design should be a big cube. However, since the architect considers to build three different types of theater inside this cube for accommodating a variety of performance, he excluded the cube and

      Make a half-square ball outside of the original building. This is one of the cases that come to my mind.

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