Home Forums Parametric Urban Design & Analysis TASK 01: What is design?

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    • #15320
      Dario Corral Lopez

      Hello everyone, sorry for the late answers; one way I tend to restrict myself during my work experience was through the use of building codes, building program, plot dimension and shape, and typology. The first three usually will give me the technical info that I need to make sure that is included during the development of the project and will as well have a great influence in terms of height, offset, FAR, etc. The typology on the other hand is the fun part since I can search for some study cases (examples) of how things are done around the world and then come out with something that may fit the project. After the project may go in two directions; either I have a very geometrical grid for the structural design or follow an open plan with a structure that would allow me to be non conventional.


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