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    • #25062
      Kevin Carvalho

      Hello, Sven, how are you?

      It sounds very interesting the toolbox for Dynamo. I started with Grasshopper because of DecodingSpaces and did my graduation thesis with it. Now I’m learning Dynamo, so I would be glad to get in touch with it. Is there a repository or anything to follow up the news about Dynamo components?

      Thank you,


    • #9619
      Kevin Carvalho

      Thank you for the answer, mr. Koenig.

      Also, I’m analysing another result. When the street network has avenues with double lines (one for each way), as you can see in the image bellow, I wonder what means the result: if it’s a medium centrality (yellow), if it was only one segment, probably it would be red? I’m wondering how the script deals with those kind of representation, double lines for only one avenue. I’ll do the test without that kind of street, but I would like to know what you think.

      Avenues that has two segments, one for each way

      Best regards,


    • #9606
      Kevin Carvalho

      Well, sorry for the long post.

      But I saw the problem. Rhino gives value 0.00 to the blue and 0.50 to the yellow and 1.00 to the red, while ArcGIS doesn’t give colours to numbers that doesn’t exist. For example, there is no 0.20 value: 0.20 would be blue in GH while 0.40 would be yellow. ArcGIS jumps the values that does not exist, so 0.40 is still blue. So, how can I make GH give colours the same way GIS does?

    • #9604
      Kevin Carvalho

      The attachment didn’t work, i’ll try again here, with the ZIP. Also, I add the attribute table’s printscreen from ArcGIS, so you can see the index numbers and how it matches with Rhino. 

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