Home Forums Parametric Urban Design & Analysis Answer – LECTURE – DESIGN & COMPUTATION – 01 – WHAT IS DESIGN?

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      Whenever I would start with the approaches of research, analysis and design processes my methods go on further after considering basic shapes or forms as concept and brainstorming of information. Followed by integrating “organic” modifications according to site context and the needs of the program or use of “the building” or “the project”. For example, if I had a list of programs and uses for “X” housing project, one will get frustrated on how sometimes you end up with a big cube of units. But then after that, because of “trial and error” iterations of how you could change the design, you find yourself thinking and designing more in favor to the needs and better functionality. But overall the process I use to try every possibility that I can come up to, and if I feel restricted either from my instructor/professor ideals or regulations, somehow, I manage to give it a twist.

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