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    • #21653

      Thank You very much for Your brilliant, comprehensive, inspiring, and smart lectures and tutorials!

      My question is about colors of objects – I tried both framework view, arctic, shading – but the form is either red or pink, not white and black. Colors are applied in Grasshopper as Black and White 90%. A layer (where the object is) is also black.

      Thank You for any comments.

      Printscreens are attached.

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    • #21678
      Reinhard Koenig

      Hi Tatiana,

      I’m not the best expert for this question. I’m not sure if you can render GH geometry directly. At least I “bake” it before I render it. You can use the Human plugin, which allows sending the defined colors, materials, etc from GH to Rhino.

      Best regards


    • #21681

      Thank You!

    • #21754
      Daria Dordina

      Hello, Tatiana!

      Sorry for a late reply.

      On your images node “Custom preview” is on disabled preview mode. Take a look on the screenshots:

      1) surface node and custom preview are both on enabled preview mode (both nodes are light gray):

      2) surface node is on enabled preview mode (light gray), custom preview node is on disabled preview mode (dark gray):

      3) opposite to 2)


      In order to hide geometry, produced by some node, click on the node with mouse wheel and then on “Disable Preview” (same for show the geometry – “Enable Preview”).


      Hope it’ll help.

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    • #21858

      Dear Daria,

      Thank You so much! I tried all steps – everything is working now.

      Thank You for your time and very clear explanation!

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