Home Forums Urban Modeling and Simulation Data Import – Coordinate Reference System

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    • #8593

      When it asks me for a Coordinate Reference System, what should I chose (options: 1_Ceres_2015 ; 4_Vesta_2015 ; AGD66, Country names etc 😀 )?
      It asked my when I imported the Population Growth Rate (drag and drop in canvas; and when I pressed the play button- run script)

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    • #8595

      I chose one of the firsts (1_Ceres_2015 ; 4_Vesta_2015 ) and the data is in layers now!

    • #8596

      In ur-scape; I don’t see the layer of the data that is exported from GIS (in this case the population growth) when I zoom in.. and I was wondering why?

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    • #8600

      Dear Diellza,
      thank you for your question. I see your confusion. the layer is exported for only one resolution ( Seems to me like “4-Continental” ). After zooming in the resolution is switching to higher resolution data (probably 3-National ) which you didn’t exported yet. If you would like to see this resolution please repeat export with setup of resolution = “3”.
      Never less we are considering to improve the UX of this part.
      Kind regards

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