Home Forums DesignByResearch Design & Computation 01_ What is design? Task 01 Florian Brettner

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    • #11414
      Florian Brettner

      One simple restricion i like to give myself, is defining a grid matrix onto my designs. I am doing this because it gives the dimensions of the various spaces a system that can be reapplied to other spaces. Thus giving the overall design more order. It also makes the design easier to read and also easier to understand, this can avoid construction mistakes during the building process.

    • #11514

      I like to go from a minimalistic position (nearly a blank paper) where only the general conditions such as the building site and its environment are given. The restrictions then are individually formed on every new design phase- e.g. the heights of the neighbor buildings that influence the distance areas, the materiality and the shape of the construction itself to fit in the surrounding. This leads to a more flexible way of designing whereby the environment and construction site are analysed in detail.

    • #11543

      One way I restrict possibilities in design is to work with references from architecture and art, contrasting and comparing them with the on-site environment, i.e. the built environment and the natural environment, both with its respective parameters. The result is a merger of tried and true design solutions and the prevalent local conditions.

    • #11564

      I like to go from a minimalistic position (nearly a blank paper) where only the general conditions such as the building site and its environment are given. The restrictions then are individually formed on every new design phase- e.g. the heights of the neighbor buildings that influence the distance areas, the materiality and the shape of the construction itself to fit in the surrounding. This leads to a more flexible way of designing whereby the environment and construction site are analysed in detail.

    • #11614
      Anna Konczak

      At first I think of the form and materials and that I think of realistic ways to build what it thought up. The laws of nature and building laws as well as common sense are my constraints. With them I can design a realistically possible building.

    • #11624

      The most important restrictions for me are the building’s surroundings, construction and function. In my design process, I try to emphasize important functions in the designed form, making the building clearer. At the same time, it must fit into the context in which it is built.

    • #11626
      A M

      For me the most important restriction in design process is to form follow function. Important is how users of building are feeling in there.

    • #11631
      Magdalena Mazur

      Before starting the design process I examine its surroundings, neighbouring buildings, so the context of the place is important to me, then looking ahead I think about the users so that the building does not constitute any barriers for them.

    • #11648
      Ahmad Hafez

      One design restriction for me is with the expenditure of the project concerning the plot size and area as some projects i.e. commercial projects need the utilization of almost all of the plot area which may lead to considerations of cost and quality in some cases to drop down significantly, other projects say; private residential projects which usually may just require the utilization of spaces an individual or a family would need to use giving the possibility of increasing the quality and cost of parts in the project and Thus, the design.

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