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    • #19695

      Hello professor, I am following the courses and I would like you to inspect the script that simulates the development, I added 02 new functions, however I don’t know if it is consistent with the desired scenario.

      I am trying to simulate Population; Workplace;
      Vicencia and Permaculture.
      I am making the Rhino and GH files available so you can help me fix or make it better than it is.
      I’m trying to assign new uses to add different types.
      I am very grateful for your help so far.

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    • #19698
      Reinhard Koenig

      Dear Tiago,

      thanks for watching our course. Concerning your request: Please, understand that our resources are limited. We try our best to help you and others with specific problems, but more detailed consultations and support are only possible for our students at the Bauhaus-University Weimar. I hope you understand that.

      Best regards


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