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    • #9313

      How can we have have different typologies of buildings according to the land-use?

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    • #9315
      Reinhard Koenig

      Dear Diellza,

      I extended the definition 03_GenerativeUrbanDevelopmentModel.gh, which was provided in the course. Please find it attached to this post. It shows exemplarily how you can deal with different typologies for various land uses:


      There is a part that allows excluding parts of your blocks/parcels. It is added at the beginning, where the blocks are created:


      After the simulation part, the blocks/parcels are separated concerning their function. I also added a simple visualization for the dominating function (residential of workplaces). They are separated for using them with different typologies by the cull pattern:


      Finally, we can play around with different typologies. I used the DeCodingSpaces building types, but you can or cause also implement your new ones:


      Please, consider this just as an exemplary starting point, not as a final solution that you should use for your project! You need to adapt it to your design concept.

      Best regards


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    • #9318

      Hello professor,

      thank you very much for the quick response and the updated model. It seems not to work on my grasshopper for some reasons – the ‘C#_Distances’ gets not data from ‘4. F-W Get Paths’. I don’t know if I am missing any component in the algorithm, or is it coming from the old-new decoding spaces plug in; (anyways the old version of the model works properly). Could you please share also that part of the definition so I can compare them.

      Thank you very much in advance.

      Kind regards




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    • #9322
      Reinhard Koenig

      Indeed, you need to update to the latest version of the DeCodingSpaces-Toolbox in order to use my latest definition. But you can also use the older components and replace the 4.FW-GetPath component and the C# Distance calculations with the old versions:

      Best regards

    • #9323
      Reinhard Koenig

      Concerning your other question, how to add special functions depending e.g. on the number of people in the city:

      I added a simple C# script to show how this can be done for Typology C (updated definition is attached):

      double allPop = PopulDistrib.Sum();
      int newFunktion = (int) (allPop / 100);
      nrNewFkt = newFunktion;

      -> means a new function (=blue box) is added per 100 inhabitants.

      You could also use the concept of the potentials as in the simulation to decide about the transformation of a block/parcel. Following the idea of a Land-Occupancy-Plan, you could reserve some blocks for special functions like schools, etc.

      Best regards

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    • #9334
      Reinhard Koenig

      Another example to make the FAR depending on the number of people & workplaces in a block (resulting from the simulation).
      Applied only for the pink buildings:

      The extended definition is attached below.

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    • #9412
      Natalia Kopeikina

      Dear Reinhard,

      This is Malik. I’ve tried to work on your files and here are some comments:

      1. You are using the Decoding spaces library from Jan 2019. Which seems to have 17 conflicts (as per image attached)

      2. The data flow starts have a missing information from the first centrality analysis (see image attached)

      Can you please use the latest version of DeCodingSpaces that Ekaterina fixed for us in the other class? New version seems to work on all computers.


      • #9413
        Reinhard Koenig

        Dear Malik,

        thanks for the hint! I wonder where this issue comes from, since I use the latest version of the DS components – see image. I attach the GH file again below, maybe I used an older version of it…

        The C# component can be used with the older components by changing the code in line 82 from

        int[] vArr = {vA, vB, 2};
        int[] vArr = {vA, vB};

        Hope this solves the issue!
        Best regards



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    • #9537
      Natalia Kopeikina

      Dear Reinhard,

      I was trying to use the Generative Model building typologies file and unfortunately keep keep getting the same error (see attachment). Is there any way to solve it?

      Thank you,


    • #9538
      Natalia Kopeikina

      Dear Reinhard,

      I was trying to use the Generative Model building typologies file and unfortunately keep keep getting the same error (see attachment). Is there any way to solve it?

      Thank you,


      • #9539
        Reinhard Koenig

        Dear Natalia,
        can you please upload the screenshot again – it is not shown in your post.
        Best regards

    • #9544

      Dear Natalia,

      If you are using the street network that you created (and not the one that is self generated)

      please make sure to flatten it, explode, remove duplicates and use it with the boundary.

      This way worked for me, and I hope it will work for you too.



    • #9545
      Natalia Kopeikina

      • #9546
        Reinhard Koenig

        Dear Natalia,

        As Diellza writes, please ensure that the input geometry = the street network is “cleaned” – without overlapping lines etc. This needs to be done very carefully. Otherwise, it is nearly impossible to find issues in the Grasshopper definition. For most of your colleges with the same issue, this solved it.

        From your screenshot, it seems that you use an older version of the DeCodingSpaces components. It’s probably a good idea to update it and use the latest Grasshopper definition (posted above in this topic as attachement).

        Best regards

    • #9549

      Dear Reinhard,

      I am currently facing two problems with the model:

      1- The first one is that, after adding more parameters to the 1st Attractivity C# Component, I keep getting this error: 1. The index was out of range. It should be non-negative and smaller than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index (line: 0). – The definition follows in the screenshots.

      2- The second one is that I am not sure how to sum up three lists. This is one of my attempts:

      List < int> sumList = (PopulDistrib.Zip(AgricultureDistrib, (x, y) => x + y).Zip(CommercialHubDistrib, (x, y) => x + y).Zip(PermacultureCenterDistrib, (x, y) => x + y);


      Thanks for the help in advance!



    • #9550


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      • #9555
        Reinhard Koenig

        Dear Luisa,

        Can yo please upload the Grasshopper definition here? This should be easier for me to understand your problem.

        For you 2. question: Have you used the “Print” command to inspect if the result of your code is correct? I’d do this to ensure that the results are correct.

        Best regards


    • #9556

      Hello professor,

      Apperantly it stopped working for me as well, even that the geometry is clean.  traffic c# is not working but I think the problem was initiated probably from the Distances c#. Could you please check the gh file, it is attached per this comment. thanks for the help

      • #9557
        Reinhard Koenig

        Dear Diellza,

        I run the GH definition that you send me without changing anything. After 20 iterations of the simulation, I got a working output from the C# Traffic component (tested it 3 times). I use the latest DeCodingSpaces components – the same as you…:

        So, I’m sorry that it’s difficult to help you without being able to reproduce the issue.

        Best regards


        p.s. Please zip all files before uploading them.

    • #9575
      Reinhard Koenig

      Dear all,

      Please start a new topic for a new question. It’s not a good idea to put everything into this topic.

      Thanks and best regards


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