Home Forums Parametric Urban Design & Analysis permeability and visibility

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    • #25013
      mostafa mahmoud

      I have attended the course of PUDA. I have a question in the part of visibility analysis. It explained that there are different ways to analysis permeability and visibility using visibility graph (isovist) depending on the steps in the used grid of point. I used decoding space tool isovis. I couldn’t find where I can select these two type of grid steps or analysis.

    • #25014
      Sven Schneider

      Hi Mostafa,

      sorry, this is currently not implemented in the Grasshopper-Toolbox. We have another toolbox for Autodesk Revit. There you can calculate accessibility & visibility in a grid-based graph. I’ll put it on the agenda for future enhancements!



    • #25062
      Kevin Carvalho

      Hello, Sven, how are you?

      It sounds very interesting the toolbox for Dynamo. I started with Grasshopper because of DecodingSpaces and did my graduation thesis with it. Now I’m learning Dynamo, so I would be glad to get in touch with it. Is there a repository or anything to follow up the news about Dynamo components?

      Thank you,


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