Home Forums Urban Modeling and Simulation Street Network Generator

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    • #18275

      Hello, my name is Tiago and I have a problem with the Street Network Generator component. I select my geometry to be my boundary, however the component continues to draw what comes by default in the component. How do I solve it?
      Problem in component

    • #18276
      Reinhard Koenig

      Dear Tiago,

      the boundary needs to be drawn by lines or line segments. A polyline should work. From the image, your boundary looks fine. You could try using the NetworkSmooth component before you send it to the Boundary input. If it doesn’t work, please upload your file so that I can have a look at it.

      Best regards


    • #18277

      Hello, thanks for the help!
      I tested NetworkSmooth however it didn’t seem to work. However I turned my boundary into a polyline and it worked directly.
      I’m building my final graduation work, with the theme parametric urbanism: the main idea and being able to build a planned neighborhood.
      I’m sending the files for you to view.
      I thank you very much for your help.

      Tiago Ferrari

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    • #18279
      Reinhard Koenig

      When I open your file it works fine (TreeDepth = 12)…:

      Maybe you use an older version of the DeCodingSpaces-Components? You find the latest ones here:


      Best regards


    • #18280

      Thank you for your help !
      I am using the latest version, the error was due to geometry that was not in polyline, everything is fine now!
      One more question, can you build a radial urban grid? .

      Tiago Ferrari

    • #18281
      Reinhard Koenig

      For a radial grid, you can arrange the initial street segments in a way that a radial grid results. You need to reduce the random factors. Probably it will not be perfectly regular, but maybe it works for you.

      Best regards

    • #18360

      Hello master, I’m having trouble generating routes based on the desired connections.
      in analysis of the attached figure, I would like the paths to look like those in image B, which is not the case. How should I proceed

    • #18397
      Reinhard Koenig

      I’d suggest that you directly use your axis. You need to split them into segments (or draw them as segments) before sending them to the IS parameter. The SmothNetwork component should be able to do this for the shown axis.
      Best regards

    • #18438

      Hello professor, I still have difficulty drawing the segments of the streets as it should look. The main idea is to create a radial mesh based on a central hexagon so that in the center of that hexagon is a central square, however when I draw the segments, the mesh does not correspond to what is desired.
      Thank you for the support you have given me so far, I am very grateful to you.

    • #18439
      Reinhard Koenig

      It seems that the diagonal lines are not read correctly by the algorithm. Try to move them further into the area or rotate them (sometimes the algorithm is sensitive to start and endpoints of a line).

      You can draw the axis as you like them by a polyline or many small lines (from the boundary to the center).

      Hope this helps.

      Best regards

    • #18441

      Hello professor, thank you very much, it seems that I finally arrived at a satisfactory result. Although some connections disturb me, but this seems to be the best I’ve found so far.
      Can you give me any opinion about adjustment or configuration, what did you think of the result?
      <div id=”gtx-trans” style=”position: absolute; left: -53px; top: -10px;”>
      <div class=”gtx-trans-icon”></div>

    • #18510

      Hello professor, how can I leave the widths of the paths described as in the image, because I can only make them all uniform, I need them to be with their respective sizes according to their hierarchy ..

      Thanks for help

    • #18514
      Reinhard Koenig

      Please, have a look at the workshop materials here:
      They include an example of controlling the street widths.

      Best regards

    • #18551

      Hello professor, thanks for your help now. I analyzed and studied the material that passed me a lot, however when I try to make a simplified version, the CityGraph component presents me with the following error: 1. Data conversion failed from Goo to Line.

      I have tried several alternatives and cannot find a way to correct them.

    • #18611

      Hello professor, I managed to distribute the centrality using between centrality weight. However, some roads are not with the weights I wanted. The image corresponding to the letter A was the result I got.
      The image of the letter B is as I wish.
      Even eliminate the segment that cuts the central hexagon.
      Could you help me find a way out?

      • #18654
        Reinhard Koenig

        As far as I can see, you used the computed centrality measures for the street width. You need to edit these values or replace them with your own ones.

        Best regards

    • #18950

      Hello professor, once again I need your help, I am very grateful to you for being helpful.
      I would like you to help me create the subdivisions and types of buildings based on land use and density.
      how can I be zoning and generating the installments and their respective uses generatively. E.g.
      I wanted more dense areas to be TYPE 1 with a certain function, and areas with average density TYPE 2 to be another type of use. Can you give me instructions on how to be doing this process?

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      • #18967
        Reinhard Koenig

        Have you participated in the PUDA course? Related techniques should be shown there. Answering your question is relatively complicated.

    • #18969

      Hello teacher, the mentioned course: PUDA course is closed so I didn’t do it. I would love to study the PUDA course, if you can open it for me. Please help me.

      • #18970
        Reinhard Koenig

        you should be able to access it now, please try again.

    • #18971

      Good morning teacher, I’m happy to be able to start, soon I’ll bring you news 🙂
      Thank you!

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