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    • #8280
      Artem Gilmanov

      Dear Ondrej,

      I have a regular error with GetWTK and GetUTM components, the error message is:
      1. Solution exception:hostname ‘spatialreference.org’ doesn’t match ‘bottle.download.osgeo.org’
      I attached the screen to this message.


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    • #8282
      Ondřej Veselý

      Dear Artem,
      thanks for reporting this.
      Seems that spatialreference.org admins recently made some changes to their server, which now requires additonal certification, ooof.
      I will try to fix the WKT components asap.

      In the meantime, you can still get the WKT strings for each spatial referance system manually at https://spatialreference.org/ref/.
      Just find the CRS you need and open the ESRI WKT definiton (as ie. here) and use them in the same way as you would use the WKT components output.

      Best, Ondrej

    • #8359
      Artem Gilmanov

      Dear Ondrej,

      How to know which projection is suitable? For Germany there are several systems(I just searched Germany on the website):
      SR-ORG:6912: EPSG:31493
      SR-ORG:7268: foo
      SR-ORG:7317: LAMGw
      SR-ORG:7325: ETRS89 Zone32 Germany
      SR-ORG:7519: DHDN / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 6
      SR-ORG:7520: DHDN / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 6
      SR-ORG:8614: Eastern Germany
      SR-ORG:8615: Eastern Germany

      how to use the text that is generated in ESRI WKT definition, just put it in the panel?

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      • #8361
        Ondřej Veselý

        Well, any projection system that projects local map features into true scale with real proportions should be fine.
        However, I would recommend to work within the UTM system. It’s a global set of projections, reasonably accurate in all areas (except when close to poles, ie. northern parts of Scandinavia). Then you don’t have to worry about reasearching local projections systems, which are in most of the cases created by national geographic agencies and are specific to each country.

        All the WKT components do is try to get the correct WKT string from spatial-reference.org, so if you’ve found your WKT, just put it in a panel and use it instead of the WKT components.

        I’m sorry for the complications.

      • #8362
        Ondřej Veselý

        Ok, I fixed the issue with WKT components, which now skip the server certificate validation when accessing spatial-reference.or and therefore shouldn’t cause any problems no more.

        Please replace the Geospatial.p2.7.5.0.gphy in your DecodingSpaces Libraries with the file from attached archive (don’t forget to UNBLOCK) and try again.

        Best, Ondrej

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