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    • #8359
      Artem Gilmanov

      Dear Ondrej,

      How to know which projection is suitable? For Germany there are several systems(I just searched Germany on the website):
      SR-ORG:6912: EPSG:31493
      SR-ORG:7268: foo
      SR-ORG:7317: LAMGw
      SR-ORG:7325: ETRS89 Zone32 Germany
      SR-ORG:7519: DHDN / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 6
      SR-ORG:7520: DHDN / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 6
      SR-ORG:8614: Eastern Germany
      SR-ORG:8615: Eastern Germany

      how to use the text that is generated in ESRI WKT definition, just put it in the panel?

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    • #8192
      Artem Gilmanov

      Hello everyone, it is not the problem of the plugin. It is just because of missing nodes in the code, they are basic, I can follow the video. It’s fine.

    • #8191
      Artem Gilmanov

      from the python window:

      2019-04-17T11:17:50 WARNING warning:__console__:1: ResourceWarning:

      unclosed file

      traceback: File “C:/PROGRA~1/QGIS3~1.4/apps/qgis-ltr/./python\console\”, line 579, in runScriptEditor
      File “C:/PROGRA~1/QGIS3~1.4/apps/qgis-ltr/./python\console\”, line 633, in runScriptCode
      .format(filename.replace(“\\”, “/”), sys.getfilesystemencoding()))
      File “C:/PROGRA~1/QGIS3~1.4/apps/qgis-ltr/./python\console\”, line 630, in runCommand
      more = self.runsource(src)
      File “C:/PROGRA~1/QGIS3~1.4/apps/qgis-ltr/./python\console\”, line 660, in runsource
      return super(ShellScintilla, self).runsource(source, filename, symbol)
      File “C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\apps\Python37\lib\”, line 74, in runsource
      File “C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\apps\Python37\lib\”, line 90, in runcode
      exec(code, self.locals)
      File “”, line 1, in

    • #8190
      Artem Gilmanov

      Dear David,

      thank you for your quick response! Here is the Log message.

      from the processing window

      2019-04-17T11:08:27 CRITICAL Unable to execute algorithm
      Could not load source layer for INPUT: D:\BUW\2nd semester\UMS Advanced\1_ur-scape Spatial Data Exploration\6_Site Data\ESACCI-LC-L4-LC10-Map-20m-P1Y-2016-v1.0/temporary_Workspace/ClippedPatch_0 of 0_CR.tif not found
      2019-04-17T11:17:50 INFO gdal_translate -projwin -103.44143872744851 39.669469024307155 136.73331599251765 -37.15113266921144 -a_nodata -1.0 -ot Float32 -of GTiff “D:/BUW/2nd semester/UMS Advanced/1_ur-scape Spatial Data Exploration/6_Site Data/ESACCI-LC-L4-LC10-Map-20m-P1Y-2016-v1.0/ESACCI-LC-L4-LC10-Map-20m-P1Y-2016-v1.0.tif” “D:\\BUW\\2nd semester\\UMS Advanced\\1_ur-scape Spatial Data Exploration\\6_Site Data\\ESACCI-LC-L4-LC10-Map-20m-P1Y-2016-v1.0/temporary_Workspace/ClippedPatch_0 of 0_CR.tif”
      2019-04-17T11:17:51 INFO GDAL command:
      2019-04-17T11:17:51 INFO gdal_translate -projwin -103.44143872744851 39.669469024307155 136.73331599251765 -37.15113266921144 -a_nodata -1.0 -ot Float32 -of GTiff “D:/BUW/2nd semester/UMS Advanced/1_ur-scape Spatial Data Exploration/6_Site Data/ESACCI-LC-L4-LC10-Map-20m-P1Y-2016-v1.0/ESACCI-LC-L4-LC10-Map-20m-P1Y-2016-v1.0.tif” “D:\\BUW\\2nd semester\\UMS Advanced\\1_ur-scape Spatial Data Exploration\\6_Site Data\\ESACCI-LC-L4-LC10-Map-20m-P1Y-2016-v1.0/temporary_Workspace/ClippedPatch_0 of 0_CR.tif”
      2019-04-17T11:17:51 INFO GDAL command output:
      2019-04-17T11:17:51 INFO ERROR 3: Free disk space available is 278173290496 bytes, whereas 2152048646532 are at least necessary. You can disable this check by defining the CHECK_DISK_FREE_SPACE configuration option to FALSE.

      2019-04-17T11:17:51 INFO Input file size is 380866, 395077

      2019-04-17T11:17:51 INFO GDAL execution console output
      ERROR 3: Free disk space available is 278173290496 bytes, whereas 2152048646532 are at least necessary. You can disable this check by defining the CHECK_DISK_FREE_SPACE configuration option to FALSE.

      Input file size is 380866, 395077

      2019-04-17T11:17:51 INFO Results: {‘OUTPUT’: ‘D:\\BUW\\2nd semester\\UMS Advanced\\1_ur-scape Spatial Data Exploration\\6_Site Data\\ESACCI-LC-L4-LC10-Map-20m-P1Y-2016-v1.0/temporary_Workspace/ClippedPatch_0 of 0_CR.tif’}
      2019-04-17T11:17:51 CRITICAL Unable to execute algorithm
      Could not load source layer for INPUT: D:\BUW\2nd semester\UMS Advanced\1_ur-scape Spatial Data Exploration\6_Site Data\ESACCI-LC-L4-LC10-Map-20m-P1Y-2016-v1.0/temporary_Workspace/ClippedPatch_0 of 0_CR.tif not found:

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