Uni Weimar

Courses only for students from the Bauhaus-University Weimar


User-Centered Architectural Design :: UCAD 22.1

Abstract The creation of spaces is at the heart of architectural and urban design. However, statements of designers about spatial qualities often remain vague and ambiguous. This is reflected by built examples whose problems emerge from a missing understanding of the relations between the built environment and human behaviour. In this seminar we will examine […]

User-Centered Architectural Design :: UCAD 22.1 Read More »

Integrated Urbanism :: IU 22.1

With the Millenium Development Goals the United Nations are setting a framework to foster a more sustainable development world-wide. The goals are ambitious and their realistation more than challenging, especially when it comes about responding to changes like ‘growth’ and rapid urbanisation in developing countries. In this study project, we are trying to understand and

Integrated Urbanism :: IU 22.1 Read More »


User-Centered Architectural Design :: UCAD 21.2

Abstract The creation of spaces is at the heart of architectural and urban design. However, statements of designers about spatial qualities often remain vague and ambiguous. This is reflected by built examples whose problems emerge from a missing understanding of the relations between the built environment and human behaviour. In this seminar we will examine

User-Centered Architectural Design :: UCAD 21.2 Read More »

Urban Modeling and Simulation :: UMS II Advanced 21.1 :: Land Use and Traffic Simulation

This course is only provided for students who do not participate in the Integrated Urbanism :: 21.1 design class!   Abstract In this course, we introduce you to public spaces, street networks and their analysis for urban design, as well as to models for simulating the process of land use distributions and the corresponding traffic

Urban Modeling and Simulation :: UMS II Advanced 21.1 :: Land Use and Traffic Simulation Read More »

Browser Space: Introduction to Programming with p5.js :: BSP5 21.1

Participants of the course will be introduced to a foundation of computational thinking alongside the coding environment of p5.js (Processing for javaScript) and the basics of programming for the browser. Three sections of this course will examine different groups of programming knowledge, helping participants to meaningfully develop basic programming skills through a process of experimentation

Browser Space: Introduction to Programming with p5.js :: BSP5 21.1 Read More »