

User-Centered Architectural Design :: UCAD 21.2

Abstract The creation of spaces is at the heart of architectural and urban design. However, statements of designers about spatial qualities often remain vague and ambiguous. This is reflected by built examples whose problems emerge from a missing understanding of the relations between the built environment and human behaviour. In this seminar we will examine

User-Centered Architectural Design :: UCAD 21.2 Read More »

Browser Space: Introduction to Programming with p5.js :: BSP5 21.1

Participants of the course will be introduced to a foundation of computational thinking alongside the coding environment of p5.js (Processing for javaScript) and the basics of programming for the browser. Three sections of this course will examine different groups of programming knowledge, helping participants to meaningfully develop basic programming skills through a process of experimentation

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Computational Urban Analysis :: CUA 21.1

Abstract Cities are complex human-made objects. They consist of thousands of elements and need to satisfy numerous human needs. The definition of urban form (street network, plots, buildings) is a crucial step in the planning of cities because it has the longest lasting effect on their social, economic and ecological performance. Thus, this step needs

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Parametric Architectural and Urban Design :: PAUD 21.1

Abstract Parametric Modeling is a powerful tool in the architectural and urban design process. By creating models, that do not only represent the geometry but rather relationships between the geometrical elements it becomes possible to create numerous variations of a design concept. These design variants can be analysed and optimized for certain criteria. Thereby the

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