Task – GIS – 01- Using ArcGIS – Create Geodatabase


  1. In the below attached GIS folder explore the data in the folder structure from windows explorer then in Arc Catalog
  2. Create Geodatabase for Stuttgart contains the following layers (Border, Roads, Main Landmarks, using Projected ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N coordinate system
  3.   Create a Geodatabase for Weimar contains the following layers using Projected coordinate system (WGS 84 / UTM zone 32N):
  • Plots layer contains fields of (Land use- Heights- Owner)
  • Roads layer contains the fields of (Name-Width-Pavement –Class)
  • Services points layer contains the fields of (Name-Type –Notes-Hyperlink, Telephone Number)

     4.   Create a geodatabase of Erfurt using Projected coordinate system (WGS 84 / UTM zone 32N) for the following in different ways:

  • Plots layer contains fields of (Land use- Heights- Owner-Construction type-Building N., Building Number)
  • Roads layer contains the fields of Name-Width-Pavement – Speed-Length -Notes)
  • Services points layer contains the fields of (Name-Type –Notes-Hyperlink- address)
  • Landmarks layer contain the fields of (Name- Year of construction- Type)




























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