Task – GIS – 02- Using ArcGIS- Editing

A) In Germany each District consists of some municipalities, and with the help of the attached Municipalities.mxd in Editing folder, you are requested to create one layer/Feature class contains the three borders for the following Districts based on the municipalities feature class in the attached Mxd:

Merzig-Wadern ( Losheim am See –Weiskirchen-Wadern-Beckingen-Merzig-Mettlach-Perl)

Saarlouis ( Lebach –Schmelz-Nalbach-Saarwellingen-Dillingen/Saar-Saarlouis-Überherrn-Rehlingen Siersburg-Wallerfangen- Ensdorf-Bous-Schwalbach-Wadgassen )

St. Wendel ( Oberthal-Nohfelden-Namborn-St. Wendel-Nonnweiler-Marpingen-Tholey-Freisen)

  • Write down each district name in the district layer you will create in the field of Name
  • Correct the drawings mistakes if there is any

B) In 2019 the district borders changed as follow:

Merzig-Wadern ( Losheim am See –Weiskirchen-Wadern- Merzig-Mettlach-Perl-Nonnweiler)

Saarlouis ( Lebach –Schmelz-Nalbach-Saarwellingen-Dillingen/Saar-Saarlouis-Überherrn-Rehlingen-Siersburg-Wallerfangen- Ensdorf-Bous-Schwalbach-Wadgassen- Beckingen)

St. Wendel ( Oberthal-Nohfelden-Namborn-St. Wendel -Marpingen-Tholey-Freisen)

  • Create new feature class called New_Districts in different ways

C) In the Editing folder add Weimar.tif (in Raster folder) in ArcMap and digitize the highlighted buildings with red border (key map.jpg) in a Plots layer you will create using Projected coordinate system (WGS 84 / UTM zone 32N).


Here you can download file Geodatabase for ArcGIS Pro users

Editing Pro.gdb


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